Thursday, February 3, 2011

Self Love

 We've heard it said that one cannot love others if they do not love themselves.  If anyone knows who to credit this to, I'd love to know.  It is very wise and in my opinion very true.

I for one, have learned to love myself, mostly because I know that God loves me.  As I reflect on His unconditional love, I find it easier to see myself as a child of His and then am able to see myself thru His eyes and boy do I look better thru His eyes!  I'll bet God has a GINORMOUS pair of rose colored glasses!!!

That said, I want to take care of His child, Me ;-]  and though I would love to take care of you too, I hope that you will take care of you also!

I belong to a group that loves to give.  They/We are hoping to make the world a better place thru giving.  You might consider joining us at  This month we are talking about and practicing Self Love.  I know, it sounds selfish but its OK.  Believe me, you will be better able to love others if you take care of yourself.  ;-]  Seems I was just having a discussion with my teenage boy about this subject in regards to the old rule on airplanes about putting your own oxygen mask on first before someone else's.  It goes against how we think we are to behave, especially if you're a mother, but we all know it makes sense.

So, at there is a list of 29 simple gifts you can give yourself.  

here's a few I'd like to add - no particular order - try them all, I DARE YOU!!!

 1.  Talk to God

 2.  Call an old friend or family member and curl up in a warm spot for a long conversation...

 3.  Get some girlfriends together for shopping and lunch

 4.  Do some on-line shopping -  is the best!

 5.  Buy yourself a new outfit

 6.  Devour some magazines & cut out pictures you love to make a collage of a few of your favorite things

 7.  Get all dolled up and make a candle light dinner for yourself - you may include someone special if you like

 8.  Write a poem about YOU - have FUN with it!

 9.  Write a letter to yourself or someone special

10.  Invent a new recipe using your favorite ingredients and name it after yourself

11.  Make a new friend on facebook  this is a link to my profile page ;-]

12.  Find some new music you like.  go to create an account (free) create a new station (this is easy folks) by typing in a song or artist you like then they will play music that is similar 

13.  After finding new music on Pandora go to Itunes purchase the music and make a new CD - Enjoy 

14.  Make some paper flowers and put together a paper flower arrangement for yourself

15.  Make a diarama based on a recent movie you enjoyed or book you've read

16.  Start a seedling indoors and get a head start on Spring

17.  Join a supportive creative network and better yet join the group within 

18.   Gather pillows, blankets, put on warm jammies & slippers and watch a favorite movie with your favorite munchies...

19.  Start a journal or if you already have one, do a page celebrating yourself

20.  Make yourself a valentine

21.  Buy a box of chocolates and bite into each piece, nibbling whenever you want

22.  Make yourself a warm chocolate cake ;-]

23.  Invent a new cocktail and have one

24.  Make a loaf of bread from scratch and eat a big ol chunck of it right out of the oven with butter

25.  Go and get a hair cut and color without telling anyone about it first

26.  Get a massage!!!

27.  Start a blog and follow yourself  ;-}

28.  Create a travelling Art kit to keep in the car for all those times you're stuck ... waiting...

29.  Paint something, frame it, and hang it on the wall

1 comment:

  1. All good suggestions, but you know me: I'm lovin' #29, girlfriend!
    Hugs, Deej
