Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Today is the beginning...
...of my blog
The purpose of which, is to share the Love, God's Love, which I feel spilling over sometimes. It is given to us freely for us in turn to freely give. Love is such a sweet nectar one must not keep it to themselves. It must be shared, cannot be saved, or it will dissipate. It is something we each possess and in endless supply. We cannot overspend our love. It replenishes and multiplies itself. There is no reason to hold it back, for even if rejected, it flows softly out into the world and makes it better.
I Love what Edward Walker (William Hurt) said about it in the movie The Village;
"The world moves for love; it kneels before it in awe."

Its time for the world to be moved, shaken, and flowing over with LOVE!

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